
Read Raw Excel Data (unformatted xlsx) using Power Automate | Excel File to SharePoint List

Power Automate has some cool out-of-the-box features to read data from Excel files. But if you want to read this data using these actions, the data needs to be formatted as an actual table in the file and not a flat range – but don’t you worry, Office Scripts got you covered! 

With Office scripts you can run many automations on your Excel files and they function as if they were “VBA macros” but with the ability to run online! This means that many of the limitations that the regular Excel connector has in Power Automate can be worked around using Office scripts. 

For today’s blog, we will show how to read unformatted (flat range) data from an Excel file and insert this data into a SharePoint list. 

Table of Contents

Use case description

The trigger for our automation is an Excel file that is received through email from an automated system that sends us the list of new subscribers to our newsletter. File format is xlsx. 

Excel file looks like this:

Excel File

We need to extract all these rows present in the file and push them into our list of subscribers in SharePoint: 

SharePoint View

Step 1. Create Office Script

Open Excel online or your desktop app and find the “Automate” tab. Then, just click on “New script”

Create Office Script
					function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook): string { 
let resultData: TableData[] = []; 
let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); 
// Add a new table 
let newTable = workbook.addTable(selectedSheet.getUsedRange(), true).setName("NewsletterContacts"); 
//get table 
const contactsData = workbook.getTable("NewsletterContacts"); 
const contactsDataView = contactsData.getRange().getVisibleView().getText(); 
resultData = returnObjectFromValues(contactsDataView); 
return JSON.stringify(resultData); 
function returnObjectFromValues(values: string[][]): TableData[] { 
let objectArray: TableData[] = []; 
let objectKeys: string[] = []; 
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { 
if (i === 0) { 
objectKeys = values[i] 
let object = {} 
for (let j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) { 
object[objectKeys[j]] = values[i][j] 
objectArray.push(object as TableData); 
return objectArray; 
interface TableData { 


And rename the Script.  

It should look like this:

Rename the Script

You can always go back to edit the script if needed.  

This office script will be saved in our OneDrive account (the OneDrive user that created the script), under the “Documents” folder. We can leave it there or download the script and save it to SharePoint, we can run the script from any of these services.

Step 2. Create Power Automate flow

2.1 Set up trigger

For our use case, we will receive the Excel file from an automated email with the words “Subscriber Report” in the subject:

Add Email Trigger

2.2 Add a condition to check file extension

Let’s make sure the script will only run for .xlsx files, so let’s add a condition on the attachment name. Once this is added to our flow, an “apply to each” action will automatically show up. It should look like this:

Create the file in SharePoint

2.3 Create the file in SharePoint

Now we need to save a copy of the attached file into SharePoint, because Office Scripts can only run on files saved on OneDrive or SharePoint.

Create the file in SharePoint

2.4 Delay for some seconds

It happens sometimes that the Excel connector gets a bit slow so it’s good to add a delay between when file is created and when the script runs

Add a Delay

2.5 Run script

Now, let’s add the “Run script” action, select SharePoint site and library. 

In the “File” field, pass the “Id” that’s coming from the “Create file” action. Finally, select the script you just created.

Add the “Run script” Action

You can also upload the script in a SharePoint site and use “Run Script from SharePoint library” action.

2.6 Parse output to JSON

The Excel script will return the table in the file in JSON format, so we just need to convert this into a format that can be easily consumed by Power Automate.

Parse Output to JSON

Below is the JSON schema for the table shown above. Notice how we just have column names in the properties and the data type.

    "type": "array", 
    "items": { 
        "type": "object", 
        "properties": { 
            "id": { 
                "type": "string" 
            "first_name": { 
                "type": "string" 
            "last_name": { 
                "type": "string" 
            "email": { 
                "type": "string" 
            "gender": { 
                "type": "string" 
            "ip_address": { 
                "type": "string" 
        "required": [ 


2.7 Create item in SharePoint

Find the “Create item” action in Power Automate and fill out SharePoint site, list and fields from the JSON content, it should look like this:

Create Item

Step 3. Test

Now we’re ready to test the automation!

Test the Automation

Step-by-step video tutorial