Show Lookup Column as Dropdown | Power Pages | Dataverse | Lookup field

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When creating a Power Pages site, if your form has a lookup column it will look a bit odd in the website for end users. It’s a very common scenario to prefer to display these types of columns as dropdowns instead. In this blog we will show you how to update the form configuration to replace lookup search with a nice and simple dropdown.

Step 1. Create the form that you will display in the Power Pages page

Add the lookup column in the table and in the form you want to link in the Power Pages site

Edit Column

Step 2. Add the form in the Power Pages page

Link the page to the form by using the “+” icon in the Power Pages portal and then selecting the type of form you will add

Information Form

Step 3. Locate the form in the Power Pages Management portal

Open the Power Pages Management portal

Power Pages Management option

If basic form: you will find it under Basic Forms 

If multistep: you will find it under multistep forms and then by selecting the relevant step 

Click on the form to 

Step 4. Create a metadata record

Open form metadata

Click on New

New Multistep Form

Set the screen as follows:

Render Lookup as Dropdown
  • Control Style: Render Lookup as Dropdown 
  • Type: Attribute 

Step 5. See magic happen!

Go back to the Power Pages editing page, sync configurations and test the changes.


With the help of Power GI, you can quickly convert lookup columns in Power Pages into dropdown menus, improving form usability and end users’ experience on the website. This fast setup simplifies site interactions and improves data selection.