Use Power Automate to grant item-level permissions in SharePoint | Row level security in SharePoint

Table of Contents

In this blog, we will show how to use the SharePoint API along with Power Automate to grant access to specific items in a SharePoint list to a SharePoint security group or to a Security group created in the Azure Portal. This can be used for sharing both files in a SharePoint library or items in a SharePoint list. 

Combining SharePoint API and Power Automate is really useful, mainly when the regular “Grant access to item or file” action can’t be used because the group doesn’t show up in the selection list or when we want this group to be dynamic.

Access Types

First things first, we need to define which type of access will be granted to the group members. The options are: 

  1. View only access 
  1. Edit access 

There are two pre-defined IDs that are used to define the access when performing the action from Power Automate. These are standard for all tenants. 

If the group will require view only access:1073741826 

If the group will require edit access:1073741827 

SharePoint Groups

Step 1. Find the SharePoint HTTP action 

Search for the “Send and HTTP request to SharePoint” action in Power Automate

Add an Action Column

Step 2. Set up the SharePoint HTTP action

Site address: Select the SharePoint site 

Method: POST 

URI: _api/web/Lists(‘list-guid’)/GetItemById(‘item-id’)/ShareObject 


  "peoplePickerInput": "[{\"Key\":\"{group-name}\",\"DisplayText\":\"{group-name}\",\"IsResolved\":true,\"Description\":\"{group-name}\",\"EntityType\":\"SPGroup\",\"EntityData\":{\"ObjectId\":null,\"SPGroupID\":\"{group-id}\",\"UserKey\":null,\"AccountName\":\"{group-name}\",\"PrincipalType\":\"SharePointGroup\"},\"MultipleMatches\":[],\"ProviderName\":\"\",\"ProviderDisplayName\":\"\"}]", 
  "roleValue": "role:{role-type-id}", 
  "sendEmail": false, 
  "emailBody": null, 
  "includeAnonymousLinkInEmail": false, 
  "propagateAcl": true, 
  "useSimplifiedRoles": true 


Final set up should be like this: 

Site Address Column

Security Groups (Microsoft Entra Groups)

Step 1. Find the SharePoint HTTP action

Search for the “Send and HTTP request to SharePoint” action in Power Automate 

Add an action column in Power Automate

Step 2. Set up the SharePoint HTTP action

Site address: Select SharePoint site 

Method: POST 

URI: _api/web/Lists(‘list-guid’)/GetItemById(‘item-id’)/ShareObject 


"roleValue": "role:{role-type-id}", 
"sendEmail": false, 
"useSimplifiedRoles": true 


Final set up should be like this: 

SharePoint HTTP action column


You can leverage SharePoint API and Power Automate’s SharePoint connector to share items with specific security groups created in the Azure portal or SharePoint groups that may need access to these items in our SharePoint lists.  

Contact us if you have any questions or if you want to know how we can help you implement these row-level security features for your Power Automate workflows!