
Cancel old approval requests sent from Power Automate | Dataverse approvals

Either because we created too many rows when we were testing or because requests are no longer applicable, the approvals module in Power Automate can end up with plenty of requests that do not require action: In this blog we will show you how we can use Power Automate and Dataverse to cancel old requests. …

Cancel old approval requests sent from Power Automate | Dataverse approvals Read More »

Use Dataflows to bring your Dynamics Finance & Operations data entities to Dataverse.

Table of Contents Dataflows are an amazing tool to bring data from external systems into your Dataverse environment, and today we will show you how you can use them to bring data from your data entities in Dynamics F&O and push it to a Dataverse table. You can also read this post in our Linkedin page. …

Use Dataflows to bring your Dynamics Finance & Operations data entities to Dataverse. Read More »