power automate desktop

Cancel old approval requests sent from Power Automate | Dataverse approvals

Either because we created too many rows when we were testing or because requests are no longer applicable, the approvals module in Power Automate can end up with plenty of requests that do not require action: In this blog we will show you how we can use Power Automate and Dataverse to cancel old requests. …

Cancel old approval requests sent from Power Automate | Dataverse approvals Read More »

.eml files with Power Automate

How to recognize .eml files with Power Automate? | Hidden attachments

A couple of weeks back, we posted this article on how to extract the content of a .eml file using Power Automate, but we recently discovered that there are some instances where the approach we explain in the previous blog will not work.  The first approach we presented relies on the Power Automate Outlook trigger to …

How to recognize .eml files with Power Automate? | Hidden attachments Read More »


Read Raw Excel Data (unformatted xlsx) using Power Automate | Excel File to SharePoint List

Power Automate has some cool out-of-the-box features to read data from Excel files. But if you want to read this data using these actions, the data needs to be formatted as an actual table in the file and not a flat range – but don’t you worry, Office Scripts got you covered!  With Office scripts …

Read Raw Excel Data (unformatted xlsx) using Power Automate | Excel File to SharePoint List Read More »

Create long-running approval requests in Power Automate (override 28-days timeout)

Sending approval requests is one of the most common use cases for which Power Automate is used for. After all, the out-of-the-box connector for approvals has a limitation: if the approval request is not approved or rejected within 28 days, the action will time out and this will cause your flow to fail. In this …

Create long-running approval requests in Power Automate (override 28-days timeout) Read More »

Power Automate licensing explained (Updated 2024)

One of the most read articles on our Power GI website is on Power Automate licensing structure. But a lot has changed since we first wrote it, so we decided to write a new blog with the most recent updates. If you’re here, most likely you have already come across Power Automate either Cloud or Desktop …

Power Automate licensing explained (Updated 2024) Read More »

Power Automate Desktop

How to upload files to SharePoint from Power Automate Desktop?

When we are using Power Automate Desktop to download files from the web, it’s a very common use case to want to upload them to a SharePoint site. There are two ways to achieve this, depending on if you have a Power Automate Premium account or if you don’t.  Content Option 1. You have a …

How to upload files to SharePoint from Power Automate Desktop? Read More »